Saturday, June 13, 2009

He gone! She gone! You're all gone!

If this is what it takes to control a game I'm for it. Was everybody afraid of him?

WEST BURLINGTON, Iowa - An umpire has emptied the stands at a high school baseball game, ejecting the entire crowd of more than 100 fans for being unruly.

Umpire Don Briggs said he had no problem with any of the student athletes during Thursday's game between Winfield-Mount Union and West Burlington.

He said he had to take action because fans were being unruly, yelling and arguing.

However, West Burlington Superintendent James Sleister said he didn't see any unusual behavior and said he thought the umpire overreacted.

The game resumed after a 40-minute delay. West Burlington won 12-11.

The umpire called police as a precaution. West Burlington police officer Al Waterman says there were no arrests.


The Crash said...

I see this happened in West Burlington. Is West Burlington next to Burlington? This can explain the umpire’s strange behavior. How's that you ask? Burlington is home of the crookedest street in the US. The wife and I drove down it and immediately started exhibiting strange behavior ourselves!

Scott Plocharczyk said...

I'm afraid to ask

Mike said...

This is a perfect example of an umpire overreacting and overextending his powers. Most umpires do a good job meaning they are not perfect, they make mistakes, and they catch a little grief for them and move on.
This guy on the other hand thinks he's perfect and also the chief of police.
A crowd 'yelling'? Oh no! I hope there wasn't clapping and hot dog eating because that would just be unruly!
Just do the job your paid to do and stop looking for your 15 minutes of fame, which thanks to the Tribune and Scott you now have!